An article said that Europe was experiencing a slowing growth of both the total and working-age populations, but that different regions would be affected in different ways. Even under favourable conditions, 35-40 per cent of all regions would face a labour force decline. If economic conditions were poor, 55-70 per cent of regions would see a labour force decline by 10 per cent or more. To keep regions prosperous (maintaining competitiveness) and to avoid worse inequality (maintaining cohesion), policy-makers needed to find ways to cope with these challenges through new fiscal and social policies though policies directly affecting demographic and migratory trends might also be needed.
Source: Philip Rees, Nicole van der Gaag, Joop de Beer, and Frank Heins, 'European regional populations: current trends, future pathways, and policy options', European Journal of Population, Volume 28 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2012-Nov